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    Entries in waste (2)


    In.gredients a new way to shop, and new way to think

    There is a new grocery store that is opening up soon in Austin, Texas, it is called in.gredients. It has already started getting plenty of buzz in the mainstream media so I thought it would state a few words about it. In.gredients is offering all local, all organic food to the customers. That is nothing new at all, right? Not really, but it is what else they aren't offering that is new. In.gredients is striving to be the first non-waste food store in America right now. Non-waste? What do you mean? Well, there will be no packaging for their food. You will have to bring in your own containers, weigh your food, and then pay for your food. Only buying what you really need, with no packaging to deal with. According to their video:

    Americans throw away 1.4 billion pounds of waste every day, and 40% of it comes from one-time packaging. But it's hard trying to be a conscious recycler after a while because of the double or triple wrappings for every product.

    Wow! That's a lot of waste! One of the biggest challenges we have in America right now is over-packaging. Unfortunately, where we get our supplies to live on (i.e. food), is one of the worst culprits in this problem (in my mind shipping, especially for big business seems to be the worse, but I have no states, just personal observations). In.gredients is slated to open this year, and is already getting a lot of attention. I am hoping other companies start paying attention to this new delivery method, which almost ensures that we have to start thinking about slow food (something I will talk about soon in a later article).

    Let's see what they have to say for themselves:

    Wow, I will have to check this out when it opens!


    ---Justin J. Stewart


    Tempe Hazardous Household Waste event tomorrow!

    Tomorrow the city of Tempe will be sponsoring a Hazardous Household Waste event at Kiwanis Park from 7am to 2pm. This even is sponsored by the Tempe Household Products Collection Center. This is a great way to properly dispose of hazardous household waste. Also remember that the Tempe Household Products Collection Center also has a free swap area, where one can take free partially or never used household, automotive, and other hazardous products that can be used for your own personal use. This is a great way to save on your budget and makes sure that these products never make it to a landfill.

    The event tomorrow will feature a way to drop off your Hazardous Household Waste, free shredding of documents, and free compost for your own home use. Make sure to bring your utility bill for your free compost. The free compost is part of Tempe's new green waste program.  Check it out if you have some chemicals and what not around the house that you are looking to safely dispose of. Also, coming up on November 13th, is the City of Tempe's electronics recycling collection date.

    Have a great weekend!

    ---Justin J. Stewart